New Century Council 2022

What things do you think are going to impact your household or business in the next 7 to 10 years and how are you preparing for it?

I recently took a trip to Kansas City to meet up with Cambridge Investment Research and their New Century Council.  The New Century Council works on projects to help prepare for and change the future—for our clients, our businesses, and our industry. 

Let me know what you’re working on today to prepare for and make the next 7 to 10. 

How’s it going?  Sean Williams with Sojourn Wealth Advisory, where my focus is helping families manage their resources for the opportunities ahead. 

Today I’m actually in Hotel Phillips in downtown Kansas City because I’m doing a 24 hr. quick business trip turnaround.  Cambridge who is my independent broker dealer—they basically provide the infrastructure for me to be on the up and up with FINRA and the SEC and other regulators—they’re hosting an event from the New Century Council.  So, it’s—New Century Council is something they’ve created because they want to help plan for where we think business will be in the next seven to ten years.  What kind of themes do we think are going to impact our clients, the wants that they have, the needs that they have, the way that they would want to do business? 

So, I wanted to pose this question to you: What things do you think are going to impact your household or business in the next 7 to 10 years and how are you preparing for it? 

So, I’d be interested to hear your feedback.  I’m going to go grab some breakfast and enjoy this hotel for the next couple of hours.  Talk soon.

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