![SPARK THE CURVE](https://i0.wp.com/sojournwealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/SPARK-THE-CURVE.jpg?resize=1240%2C700&ssl=1)
This may be the greatest public health crisis of our generation. Much of today’s news focuses on the precautions we need to take to help “flatten the curve” and mitigate the COVID-19 coronavirus. Terms like social distancing and quarantining are now common in conversation. We are social creatures by nature yet we’re being called to stay in isolation. The effects are being felt in our economies, markets, industries, communities, and households.
A Curve of a Different Kind
While we are regularly being warned that this will be severe it will not be forever. This is not the new normal simply because there is nothing normal about it. A person can feel their dreams have been put on hold or sidelined. Watching and waiting. Or they can intervene.
Just as we rely on personal inent to help flatten the curve, I believe greater intention will help spark a curve of a different kind—one of resiliency, creativity, and growth.
How to Spark the Curve
Cultivate Creativity
Redeem the time and don’t waste it. Make time for inspiration. Read books that inspire. Watch documentaries on unrelated trades or professions. Take virtual tours of museums you enjoy or that you’ve always wanted to visit. Go for a walk and look at the details around you. You can learn a great deal by truly exploring and investigating nature itself. Use this time to expand your interests.
Take time for writing, drawing, painting, photography, or perhaps another medium that could be revisited or discovered for the first time. This will help stimulate your creative thinking and imagination.
Ignite Engagement
Reach out to your people and beyond. Check in on their welfare and ask how you may help. Their need may not be something you can directly help however you may know someone who can that they haven’t yet met. Ask where they see things from their perspective and sphere. Making the effort will help strengthen your relationships.
Proximity is often a catalyst for unexpected interaction. Our present circumstances require us to be more intentional. A conversation had, a fact mentioned, or an idea shared can produce an expansive wave of impact far beyond the scope of the original point of contact.
Take Action
Even while staying at home you can now do and reach more than ever before. Think of the technology we have at our fingertips and the platforms provided. Be resourceful. We have an abundance of opportunity not only to plan for tomorrow, but to act today.
Spark the Curve
People we know, love, and work for are on the front lines fighting this virus. We depend on them. I don’t mean to overstate it, but they also depend on us and we shouldn’t let them down. Let’s use our expertise, skill, imagination, and sphere to make a difference for those around us.
As we are being told by health experts, our efforts will bring exponential results. There may be no way of fully knowing their impact until we are able to look back. Until then, let’s look forward and act now.
Sojourn on. Sojourn well.
Sean M. Williams, CFP®